Friday 31 May 2013

Big Shot Starter kit: Paper Garlands

Hi Everyone!
this is Anna. I wanted to share an easy tutorial with you! Even today I took out my smaller pieces of patterned papers and my Sizzix dies of the new Big Shot Starter kit.
This project is super quick and easy to make! It is also very inexpensive and adds the perfect handmade touch during the parties or spruce up a corner of room.

cafe creativo - Anna Drai - big shot sizzix - paper garland (1)
cafe creativo - Anna Drai - big shot sizzix - paper garland (2)

Wrap a garland around gift to brighten someone’s day... Sometimes the way an ordinary gift is presented, makes it extraordinary!

cafe creativo - Anna Drai - big shot sizzix - paper garland gift wrapping (4)

cafe creativo - Anna Drai - big shot sizzix - paper garland gift wrapping (5)

Items used:

658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
scrap of: cardstocks, patterned papers, glitter papers, old book pages, felt
sewing machine, thread, scissors

1- Select the papers or cardstocks you would like to use. Make sure you use double sided papers since both sides will be showing.
2- Cut out hearts, butterflies, circles, flowers... as many or as little as you would like depending on the lenght you want your garland to be.
3- Use a sewing machine to stitch the shapes together and create your garlands. Simply start by placing the first piece under the presser foot, put the needle in the down position and start stitching. Continue stitching, allowing the machine to stitch a few stitches between each new shape. You can space them out as close or far apart as you like.
4- You can take a little care by adding some dimensional items to the shapes to give your garland that extra touch of detail. Once you get to the end let the machine run again for some cm. You can leave the thread hanging off if you like.

cafe creativo - Anna Drai - big shot sizzix - paper garland (3)

The fun thing about creating your own is that you can customize them to match your color scheme!
I hope my small project gave you some inspiration today!
Happy garland making!

Flag_of_Italy Per le amiche italiane! :)

Ecco un nuovo appuntamento con Anna. Oggi volevo condividere con voi un tutorial facile facile!
Anche questa volta ho tirato fuori i miei piccoli avanzi di carte e le fustelle del nuovo Big Shot Starter kit, che offrono davvero tante possibilità di utilizzo.
Questo progetto è super veloce e facile da fare! E' anche molto economico e aggiunge il giusto tocco allegro e personale alle vostre feste o può essere utile per abbellire un angolo della casa.
Un'altra idea di utilizzo è quella di avvolgere una ghirlanda intorno ad un pacchetto regalo, come vedete nelle foto sopra. A volte il modo in cui un regalo ordinario viene presentato, lo rende straordinario!


ritagli di: cartoncini tinta unita, carte fantasia, carte glitter, pagine di vecchio libro, feltro
macchina da cucire, filo, forbici...
1 - Selezionare le carte o cartoncini che si desidera utilizzare. Assicurarsi di utilizzare carte double face, poiché  potrebbero essere visibili entrambi i lati.
2 - Tagliare cuori, farfalle, cerchi, fiori... tanti o pochi, secondo quello che si desidera fare, a seconda della lunghezza che si desidera raggiungere.
3 - Usare la macchina da cucire per unire insieme le forme e creare così la ghirlanda. Basta iniziare posizionando il primo pezzo sotto il piedino, mettere l'ago in posizione abbassata e iniziare a cucire. Continuare cuciture, facendo un paio di punti tra una forma e l'altra. Si può lasciare più o meno spazio, secondo i propri gusti.
4 - Si può sovrapporre alcuni elementi, anche di feltro, per dare un effetto tridimensionale che darà alla vostra ghirlanda quel tocco in più. Una volta arrivati alla fine cucire ancora qualche punto e tagliare il filo.
Facile no? La cosa più bella e divertente è che si possono creare tante diverse ghirlande, personalizzandole ogni volta in modo diverso: basta variare gli abbinamenti di forme e colori, così come la lunghezza e la distanza tra una forma e l'altra!

Ci vediamo la prossima settimana, di mercoledì questa volta... con una piccola sorpresa! Non mancate! ;)
A presto!

Thursday 30 May 2013

Binding the quilt

It seems like more than a week since I wrote my blog - I guess the Bank Holiday is part of that - and wasn't it lovely to have some sunshine!
So now to finish the quilt with the binding.
I used the Big Shot machine and die 657633 - 2" strip, with 656847 -  XL Cutting Pads, to cut enough strips for the quilt - it needs 190" length.
I joined the pieces together in a long strip and pressed the seams flat open and then pressed one end of the strip to the wrong side. Then fold and press the strip in half along the length ( seams enclosed).
Starting part way down one side match the raw edges of the binding to the raw edges of the quilt, and stitch in place using a 1/4" seam leaving the first 2" unstitched.
Stitch to within 1/4" of corner.
Fold binding diagonally, as in photo below
and then back down - see photo - and pin, then stitch from the pin to the next corner - this creates a mitred corner.
To join the binding - trim to length and then tuck inside the folded end
Pin and then stitch in place.
Trim away backing and wadding to 1/4" to match the edge of the binding.
Press the binding towards the edge of the quilt and turn it to the back of the quilt. Slip stitch in place.
At the corner fold the binding to create a mitre
With the binding finished I trimmed any stray threads and then decided to hand stitch some antennae to the butterflies.
Now all that is left to name and label the quilt - that's a job for next week - I'm off to bake some brownies now!
Enjoy your week.


card inspiration with Janna Werner.

Hello everyone, this is Janna. Today I would like to share two cards that I created for today´s inspirational post. As you can see, I am still drawn to the gold/white/silver color combination :-)

Material list:
658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (including BS machine and dies)
657691 Sizzix Bigz Die - Heart, Stem & Leaves
658613 Sizzix Framelits Die Set - Wrappers, Circle
658356 Sizzix Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis
cardstock, doily, twine, vellum, rhinestones, pearls: Stampin´Up
journaling card: Skipping5
spray: Studio Calico
crepe paper: Dear Lizzy
glitter: American Crafts
other: sewing machine, liquid pearls (Ranger Ink), glue, scissors

I have to admit that the real beauty of these cards is hard to catch on photos. That is because both cards include elements of a golden journaling card. When the sun hits those parts, they glimmer, sparkle and shine - you can get an idea on the photo below.

I created both cards at the same time. I used a piece of kraft cardstock and cut it in two, each card base measures 14.5 cm x 21 cm (unfolded). After folding the card bases in the middle, I added spritzers with white spray. While the spray was drying, I used the Framelits Die Set - Wrappers, Circle to cut the heart out of the journaling card and embossed the vellum with the two embossing dies that come with the Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis set.

The butterfly was cut out of crepe paper, using one of the many dies that are included in the Big Shot Starter Kit. I sewed the butterfly on top of an embossed vellum heart and adhered both on top of the journaling card.

I like to add twine on the spine of cards as it lets them appear lighter and more interesting. As I did not want the twine to distract from the card itself, I chose kraft twine as well.

I hope you enjoyed today´s inspiration. Please click here, if you would like to see more of my scrapbooking and papercrafts projects. See you next thursday,



Hallo ihr Lieben, hier ist Janna. Ich möchte euch zwei Karten zeigen, die ich für den heutigen Inspirationspost hergestellt habe. Wie ihr seht, fühle ich mich immer noch zu der Gold/Weiß/Silber Farbkombination hingezogen :-)

658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (including BS machine and dies)
657691 Sizzix Bigz Die - Heart, Stem & Leaves
658613 Sizzix Framelits Die Set - Wrappers, Circle
658356 Sizzix Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis
Cardstock, Doily, Twine, Vellum, Glitzersteine, Perlen: Stampin´Up
Journaling Card: Skipping5
Spray: Studio Calico
Krepppapier: Dear Lizzy
Glitter: American Crafts
Sonstiges: Nähmaschine, liquid pearls (Ranger Ink), Kleber, Schere

Ich muss gestehen, dass die wahre Schönheit dieser Karten nicht gut auf Fotos einzufangen ist. Das liegt daran, dass ich auf beiden Karten Teile einer goldenen Journaling Karte benutzt habe. Sobald die Sonne auf diese Elemente fällt, schimmern, scheinen und glitzern sie. Ein wenig ist das auf den Nahaufnahmen zu erahnen.

Ich habe die Karten gleichzeitig erstellt. Dafür habe ich einen kraftfarbenen Cardstock zweigeteilt, jeder Kartenrohling hatte ungefaltet eine Größe von 14.5 cm x 21 cm. Nachdem ich die Karten mittig gefaltet hatte, habe ich mit weißem Spray Kleckse aufgetragen. Während diese trockneten habe ich mit dem Framelits Die Set - Wrappers, Circle das Herz aus der Journaling Karte ausgestanzt und das Vellum mit den beiden Foldern embossed, die im Textured Impressions - Rose Vines & Trellis Set enthalten sind.

Den Schmetterling habe ich aus Krepppapier ausgestanzt und zwar mit einer der vielen Dies, die zum
Big Shot Starter Kit gehören. Den Schmetterling habe ich dann auf das embosste Vellum-Herz genäht und beides zusammen auf der Journaling Karte befestigt.

Ich wickle gerne Twine um den Kartenrücken, da dies die Karte leichter und interessanter erscheinen lässt. Da ich verhindern wollte, dass der Twine von der Karte ablenkt, habe ich mich ebenfalls für kraftfarbenen Twine entschieden.

Ich hoffe, euch hat die heutige Inspiration gefallen. Bitte klickt hier, wenn ihr weitere meiner
Scrapbooking- und Papier-Projekte sehen möchtet. Bis nächsten Donnerstag,


A romantic layout

Hi everyone

Today let me show you a romantic page with pastel colours and full of details, the kind of page I like! I had fun using dies with hearts, butterflies and flowers dies, my favourite ones!

Supply list:

Papers: American Crafts, ILS
Alphabets: American Crafts
Embellishments: Studio Calico
Stickers & rub-ons: Jenni Bowlin Studio
Stamps: Glitz Design, 7Gypsies, Technique Tuesday
Inks: Black Versafine, Archival Viridian
Spray inks: Glimmer Mist
Masks: The Crafter's Workshop
Masking Tape: Lovely Tape


658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter kit

I started by work on my background paper with masks and inks. I used two different masks and my pink, sea green and yellow spray inks. Then I stamped some patterns with black Versafine inks.

While the background is drying, I cut out some shapes with my Big Shot: hearts, circles with different sizes and butterflies. I cut them a lot of them in various matching printed papers.

I built my layout with pastel papers scrap, stickers, black rub-ons for more contrast and die cuts.

Then all I did was rework each group by multiplying the embellishments all around my pictures. This is a very easy and quick page to realise; all you have to think of is varying the shapes and colours you use!

See you next Thursday!


Bonjour tout le monde

Aujourd'hui je vous propose une page romantique aux couleurs pastels et remplie de détails comme j'aime tant faire ! Je me suis amusée avec des découpes coeurs, papillons et fleurs mes préférées !

Matériel utilisé :

Papiers : American Crafts, ILS
Alphabets : American Crafts
Embellissements : Studio Calico
Autocollants et rub-ons : Jenni Bowlin Studio
Tampons : Glitz Design, 7Gypsies, Terchniques Tuesday
Encres : Versafine noire, Archival Viridian
Encres en spray : Glimmer Mist
Pochoirs : The Crafter's Worshop
Masking Tape : Lovely Tape

Dies utilisés :

658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter kit

Le fond de ma page dans un premier temps retravaillé avec des encres et des pochoirs, j'ai utilisé deux différents pochoirs et mes encres en spray couleur rose, vert d'eau et jaune. J'ai imprimé ensuite quelques tampons à la Versafine noire.

Pendant que mon fond sèche, je me suis découpée des formes à la Big Shot : des coeurs, des ronds de tailles différentes et des papillons, tout cela en plusieurs exemplaires et dans des chutes d'imprimés assortis.

J'ai construis ma page avec des chutes de papiers pastels, des autocollants , des rub-ons noirs pour apporter plus de contraste et des dies-cuts.

Je me suis ensuite simplement amusée à retraviller chaque bloc en multipliant les embellissements autour de mes photos. Une mise en page très simple et très rapide à réaliser, pensez simplement à varier les formes et les couleurs !

A jeudi prochain !


Wednesday 29 May 2013

New Starters! (part 2)

Last week I said we would take a look at some more projects made with the New Big Shot Starter Kit which is creating quite a buzz due to it's eye catching colour scheme and set of fabulous dies, not to mention the long awaited extended multi purpose platform.

If you want to see the brand new starter kit in action they you had better check the schedules of Ideal World/Create and Craft for next Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th, as there is a feast of Sizzix with loads of fun and informative demo's by yours truly. Alongside the Big Shot, we will be featuring some of our new die ranges, I can't wait!!!

I have just got hold of some photo's from a workshop which I taught in Helsinki. I was the guest of Sinelli who distribute Sizzix in Finland. They have set up a Big Shot Club which is dedicated to lovers of all things Sizzix and I was lucky enough to teach over 70 of its members. As I said last week if you are ever in Helsinki you MUST visit their main shop it's something else!

Smash book - 2

Hi all!

Some time ago I showed two-page layouts from my smash book (about trip to Antalia). I continue creating this smash book. And today I would like to show you next two page-layout.  These layouts are about yacht.

As always Big Shot helped me to create these layouts.

Items used:

Big Shot Machine (655268)
Sizzix Framelits Die Set 4PK - Frames, Instant (658608)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK - For the Record (659108)
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Curly #2 (657706)

To create these cute waves under yacht, I used Curly #2 Strip Die.

Have a nice day!


Всем привет!

Сегодня я с очередными страничками в мой смеш-бук о поездке в Анталию. Этот разворот посвящен прогулке на яхте. 
Для его создания я использовала следующие ножи:
Sizzix Framelits Die Set 4PK - Frames, Instant (658608) - чудесные рамочки, которые помогли мне выделить фотографии.
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 6PK - For the Record (659108) - различные табы, которые помогают сделать акценты.
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Curly #2 (657706) - а с помощью этого ножа я сделала волны под яхтой на карточке с журналингом.

Всем хорошего дня!


Tuesday 28 May 2013

Dresser card


Hi Everyone
Today I will show you a dresser card using  some of the dies from Big Shot Starter kit 658300

 Items used:
Big Shot starter Set 658300
Mini Labels  set 657214
Ornate Labels 659062
Border,label, Medallion and Key 658953
Doily,Doily border 659058
Mini Sewing Room 657487
Supply list:
Paper: Riddersholm Design-Chantilly Dawn-, Prima paper 6x6
Stamp: Inkido, IO
Ink: distress ink- Vintage photo-
Brads, Pounture paint-baby pink-
How to make:
Cut a cardstock 9x6 Inch and follow the tutorial on the Photo


Here is one more dresser card 
Thanks for stopping by, see you next Tuesday
Hej Alle
I dag vil jeg vise et kommode kort hvor jeg har brugt dies fra Big Shot Starter kit
Sizzix dies jeg har brugt: 
Big Shot starter Set 658300
Mini Labels  set 657214
Ornate Labels 659062
Border,label, Medallion and Key 658953
Doily,Doily border 659058
Mini Sewing Room 657487
Andre materialer:
Papir: Riddersholm Design-Chantilly Dawn-, Prima paper 6x6
Stempler: Inkido, IO
Ink: distress ink- Vintage photo-
Brads, Pounture paint-baby pink-
Sådan gør du:
Skær et stykke karton på 9x6 Inch og følg tutorial som vist på foto
Tak fordi du kiggede fobi, jeg håber vi ses næste tirsdag

Mini Album

Hi everyone...hope you all had a great week. Today I have a Mini album to show you. I have used some "On the Edge" Dies on this album.

Supply list:
658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
656627 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Scallops
656628 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Plaque & Postage 
657181 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Pennants
657180 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Mini Scallop & Pinking
656633 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Baroque 

658570 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Cameo Frame
658572 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Postage Stamp Frame
656936 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Magnetic Die - Mini Ornamental
658506 Sizzix Sizzlits Die - Vintage Doily

Papers: Maja Design, Pion Design, chipboard
Stamps: Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz Collection
Inks: Archival Ink - Jet Black, Distress ink Pad - Walnut Stain
Flowers: Wild Orchid Crafts
Other: Frame - Melissa Frances, Seam Binding ribbon, Cheesecloth, Charms, Thickers, Paper Doilies

Thanks for stopping by...see you next week.
Anne Kristine

Hei alle sammen...håper du har hatt en fin uke. I dag har jeg et mini album å vise deg hvor jeg har brukt noen "On the Edge" dies. 

658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
656627 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Scallops
656628 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Plaque & Postage 
657181 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Pennants
657180 Sizzix On the Edge Die - Mini Scallop & Pinking
656633 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Baroque 

658570 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Cameo Frame
658572 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Die - Postage Stamp Frame
656936 Sizzix Movers & Shapers Magnetic Die - Mini Ornamental
658506 Sizzix Sizzlits Die - Vintage Doily

Mønsterark: Maja Design, Pion Design, chipboard
Stempler: Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz Collection
Inks: Archival Ink - Jet Black, Distress ink Pad - Walnut Stain
Blomster: Wild Orchid Crafts
Annet: Ramme - Melissa Frances, Seam Binding bånd, osteklut, Charms, Thickers, kaffeservietter.

Takk for at du stikker innom her og vi ses neste uke.
Anne Kristine


Monday 27 May 2013

Sweet as sugar tag

We are already in the 3rd week of my Starter Kit Series! There is only one more to go, and it is a such a pity, because I'm having so much fun playing with this awesome kit. The possibilities are endless!

Today I am showing you how to make a tag with lots of elements, using a layering technique that is very funny and creative. Let's Start!

Supply list:
  • 658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
  • Manila tag
  • Cardstock and paper scraps
  • Distress ink
  • Background stamp
  • Adhesives: Liquid glue, foam squares, glue dots
  • Embellishments: Ribbon, twine, stickers, buttons, rhinestones, washi tape, paper clips...
  • Others: Black gel pen, mini stapler
Start by preparing your manila tag with some distress ink and a background stamp. Then select 3 or 4 pieces of different colors of cardstock and die cut a bunch os shapes from your Starter Kit. Then place all your die cuts and your embellishments on your work surface and start creating the different layers. Place your bigger elements on your first layer and place them in the middle of the tag. Then keep creating more and more layers with smaller elements and at the end put some small details, like pins, rhinestones and, of course, some dash lines with a black gel pen.

Tags are always so fun to create, and the layering technique si perfect for these little pieces of art. You just have to be creative and keep layering and layering until you are happy with the results. And, believe me, the hardest part about this technique is knowing when to stop :)

Happy Monday!

¡Ya estamos en la tercera semana de mi Starter Kit Series! Solo queda una más, y es una pena, porque me estoy divirtiendo mucho jugando con este kit, ¡las posibilidades son infinitas!
Hoy os voy a enseñar cómo hacer un tag con muchos elementos, usando la técnica de las capas que es muy divertida y creativa. ¡Empezamos!

  • 658300 Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit (Powder Blue & Teal)
  • Etiqueta de almacén
  • Restos de cartulinas y papeles
  • Distress ink
  • Sello de fondo
  • Adhesivos: pegamento líquido, foam adhesivo, glue dots
  • Embellecedores: Cinta, cordón, pegatinas, botones, brillantitos, washi tape, clips de papel...
  • Otros: Rotulador negro, grapadora
Empieza preparando tu etiqueta de almacén con tinta distress y un sello de fondo. Después selecciona tres o cuatro colores de cartulina y troquela un montón de formas de tu Starter Kit. Una vez hecho esto, coloca todos tus elementos encima de tu mesa: las formas troqueladas y todo lo que se te ocurra que puedas utilizar: blondas, cintas, pegatinas, botones... Empieza la primera capa poniendo los elementos más grandes en medio del tag. Después sigue creando capas con elementos más pequeños rodeando la primera capa y al final pon los detalles más pequeños, como los brillantitos, los alfileres y, por supuesto, el toque de rotulador negro.
Los tags son siempre muy divertidos de hacer, y la técnica de las capas es perfecta para ellos, solo tienes que ser creativo y poner capas y capas hasta que estés satisfecho con el resultado. Y, créeme, lo más difícil de esta técnica es saber cuándo hay que parar :)

¡Feliz lunes!