Saturday 28 February 2015

Pretty Milk Carton Packaging

Hello everyone,
do you know that I love cute packaging? I think an awesome packaging is so important, even for the tiniest things ever. :) This box shaped like a little milk carton I have made for a friend. I going to put some beauty items in it, just because I like her. And we all have that friend with THAT face while opening a gift, right? ;)

I die-cutted the phrase "hello" from a Mint Cardstock and applied my Glossy Accents to get a beautiful shiny and clear effect. Can you see that on the pictures? It is glossy and lofty, just like a raindrop on a leaf. :)

This Box Die from Sizzix is pretty perfect for a quick and easy way to wrap a beautiful gift. You can put some chocolates in it or a nailpolish, an USB-Stick for your husband or a voucher. The possibilities are endless. :) And you have a lot of space for cute embellishment. ;)

I wish you all a nice day, xo Julia

Products I´ve used:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine Only (Powder Blue & Teal) #657900
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Mini Paper Rosettes #657177
Sizzix Thinlits Die - Box, Milk Carton #658823
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Happiness Phrases #660804
Pattern Paper from Studio Calico
Clothepin, American Crafts Cork Arrow, Glossy Accents


Hallo ihr Lieben,
wenn ihr schon einmal auf meinem Blog wart wisst ihr es ja: Ich liebe süße Verpackungen! Kleine Geschenke verpacke ich für mein Leben gern und ich finde eine schöne Verpackung ist total wichtig. Auch für die kleinsten Geschenke und Mitbringsel. Diese hübsche Box in Form eines Milchkartons bekommt eine meiner Freundinnen mit einem Nagellack drin, einfach weil ich sie mag. :) 

Den Schriftzug "hello" habe ich aus mintfarbenem Cardstock ausgestanzt und dann mit Glossy Accents eine Art Überzug verpasst. Das sieht so toll aus! Es glänzt total schön und durch die Erhebung sieht es aus, als wären es Regentropfen auf einem Blatt. Wunderschön! :)

Die Milchkarton Metallstanze von Sizzix ist perfekt für schnelle süße Verpackungen von kleinen Geschenken. Es passen wunderbar Schokoladen rein oder, wie ich sie nutzen werde, ein Fläschchen Nagellack. Wenn ihr eurem Mann etwas schenken wollt findet z.B. ein USB-Stick wunderbar Platz darin. :) Die Möglichkeiten sind quasi endlos. Und man kann gaaaaaanz viele Dekoteilchen dran befestigen. Na also, was will man mehr? ;)

Habt einen schönen Tag, xo Julia

Sizzix Big Shot Machine Only (Powder Blue & Teal) #657900
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Die - Mini Paper Rosettes #657177
Sizzix Thinlits Die - Box, Milk Carton #658823
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Happiness Phrases #660804
Pattern Paper from Studio Calico
Clothepin, American Crafts Cork Arrow, Glossy Accents

Friday 27 February 2015

Bad Boys Layout

Hi Sizzix friends!

Today I show you the last layout I have made. As you can see I have used two new dies and one of my favorite dies designed by Paula Pascual to Sizzix.

Our children grow up very fast and in every age, they live the photo moments in different ways. I took this photo 3 years ago and I look back this moment with a big smile on my face. It was a very funny day and a  funny picture. During few months, both posed in the same way when I took a photo. So it was obvious that this day and also these images need a layout to remember .

I have used a black background, I love how it makes the colours pop. Then I chose scrapbook papers to match with the photo. The title was clear for me “Bad boys” , due to how they posed  when they saw me with the camera… but “Bad boys”  is only a part of the title because the complete title is “ Momento foto a lo … Bad boys” In English it would be similar to “Let’s pose like … Bad boys”  
To make this long title I have used the Alphanumeric dies designed  by Tim Holtz to Sizzix.  I have used them in  different ways:  I have die-cut the letters to form the words and also I have die-cut the words on this fabulous Tab card die-cut designed by Paula Pascual.    

Here are some images:

I have used the same black coloured paper as the background to die-cut the letters. 

I love this tab card die so much !!! The combination with Alphanumeric dies works perfectly and this is something I will usein my future project for sure!!!

This splat die-cut brings freshness to the layout.  I have used it on a piece of paper with the same colour as my son’s T-shirt. I have also used the small die-cutting drops !!!

If you don’t glue this splat completely,  it brings a little movement to the layout.

I have used the following Sizzix products: 

I hope you have enjoyed this layout. Thanks for your visit!

Have a creative and happy Friday!


¡Hola a todos!

Hoy os quería enseñar la última página que he realizado. Como podréis ver he utilizado dos de los nuevos troqueles y uno de mis favoritos diseñado por Paula Pascual para Sizzix.
Nuestros hijos crecen muy rápido y en cada edad viven el momento foto de una forma diferente. Les tiré esta foto hace 5 años y recuerdo ese momento con una gran sonrisa. Fue un dia divertido y la foto es de lo más divertida. Durante unos meses posaban así cuando me veían con la cámara. Así que era evidente que necesitaba una página para recordar ese día y las fotos con esa pose.

He utilizado como base una cartulina de color negro, me encanta como lucen los colores sobre este fondo. He escogido papeles con colores acordes con la foto. El título lo tenía muy claro "Bad boys" debido a la pose... Pero "Bad boys" es solo una parte del título porque el título completo es " Momento foto a lo... Bad boys" 

Algunas imágenes:
He usado la misma cartulina negra para troquelar las letras.  
¡Me encanta este troquel! Y ahora con el troquel Alphanumeric creo que ¡van a hacer muy buena pareja!
Este troquelado con forma de gota aporta frescura a la página. He utilizado el troquel en un papel de un color similar a la camiseta de mi hijo. También he utilizado las pequeñas gotitas. 
Si no lo pegamos completamente, le da movimiento a la página.

 He utilizado los siguientes productos Sizzix: 

Espero que os haya gustado esta página. ¡Gracias por la visita!

¡Os deseo un feliz y creativo viernes!

dreaming of spring

Hopefully spring is just around the corner, yes I'm hopeful!  So to brighten things up, I figured it was time for an intervention.

The snowdrops are still blooming in my garden, and the crocus have shown themselves, the daffs are making good headway already.  I'm ready for some colour!

So armed with some pretty wool felts from Hantex, a 12" polystyrene ring, a bunch of ribbon, a handful of dies and my Big Shot machine I set to work.

Dies used were:

656520 Flourish, Floral with leaves  for the blue forget me nots

I stitched a small dart into the leaves to give them some structure. 
The Flourish flower I folded in four.  I used my Long Arm pins for the flower centers, The pearl heads were perfect.

I am thrilled with how this turned out, 

And thanks to Angela, I was lucky enough to attend one of her 'make & take' sessions at Stitches trade show, I don't think my spring wreath would have quite so good.

So after this adventure with felt, and a discussion with a colleague, there may be a few wedding decorations in the future too!  I am really excited at the creative possibilities these opened up.

Bedroom door sign and Bookmarks for girls by Anna

Hello! It's Anna here. How are you doing on this pretty Friday morning?
Today I made this simple personalised door sign, perfect for a child's bedroom, for any princess in your life!
It's a very satisfying, relatively simple project and super charming...
sizzix big shot - door hanger-canvas-decor-girl-room - targa-fuoriporta-bambini-cameretta  by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (1)
sizzix big shot - door hanger-canvas-decor-girl-room - targa-fuoriporta-bambini-cameretta  by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (2)
Let me show you how it’s done!
sizzix big shot - tutorial - door hanger-canvas-decor-girl-room - targa-fuoriporta-bambini-cameretta  by Anna Drai - cafecreativo
I started with a sheet of cardboard and a piece of fabric.
I die cut the names of my nieces from Alphanumeric Thinlits Set.
Extra dimension was added with various felt hearts die-cut with Bigz Die Heartfelt by Tim Holtz.
If you want add stitches.
sizzix big shot - door hanger-canvas-decor-girl-room - targa-fuoriporta-bambini-cameretta  by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (3)
I used a mix of pale colours including lilac, pink, aqua, but it can be personalised with a special name and colour scheme.
A perfect gift for all occasions, ideal for a new baby, that can be hung from a bedroom door or perhaps above a bed.
An idea for your craft room door, also ;)
Furthermore, with my “negative” die-cut names, I created two fun bookmarks:
sizzix big shot - kids girls bookmark -  segnalibri by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (1)
sizzix big shot - kids girls bookmark -  segnalibri by Anna Drai - cafecreativo (2)
It's quick and easy to make a personalised bookmark with this fabulous die set!
All this productivity has made me weary! I think it's time for a coffee! :D
Enjoy the weekend! ♥
Bedroom door sign - Items used:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 102PK - Alphanumeric (1" Tall) (660210)
Sizzix Bigz Die – Heartfelt (660233)
polka dots fabric
scraps of felt and fabric
glitter foam sheet
sewing machine and thread
double-sided tape
Bookmarks - Items used:
Sizzix Big Shot Machine (657900)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 102PK - Alphanumeric (1" Tall) (660210)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 20PK - Arrow Base w/Layering Shapes (660103)
Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 20PK - Notebook Base w/Layering Shapes (660110)
patterned papers
scraps of felt
wooden beads
Per le amiche italiane! :)

Ciao, sono Anna. Cosa state facendo di bello in questo venerdì? Vi state preparando per un week end creativo? Bè, spero di darvi alcune ispirazioni...

Oggi ho usato alcune nuove fustelle tra cui Alphanumeric Thinlits Set. E' un nuovo set di fustelle sottili, progettato da Tim Holtz, che ha il pregio di poter scrivere sia in “positivo” che in “negativo”, in quanto si possono posizionare le singole lettere sul cartoncino. Ovvero ci sono più pezzi di una stessa lettera, per cui è possibile scrivere una frase breve, senza problemi.

Ho pensato quindi di giocare con questo alfabeto per creare due progetti differenti.

Nelle foto in alto, vi mostro dunque la targa, che ho realizzato per la nuova camera delle mie nipoti. Devo dire che questo è un progetto relativamente semplice, ma che regala grande soddisfazione! Lasciate che vi mostri come si fa...
Ho iniziato con un rettangolo di cartone di recupero (non butto via niente!!!) ed un pezzo di tessuto a pois un po' più grande.
Come vi dicevo, ho tagliato i nomi con Alphanumeric Thinlits Set. Ho fissato le lettere con la colla ed ho aggiunto delle cuciture per impreziosire.
Allo stesso modo ho cucito una fila di cuori in feltro differenti, fustellati con la Bigz Heartfelt, sempre di Tim Holtz. Adoro questa fustella!!! Ho già in mente altre idee da fare con lei :)
Ho usato un mix di colori tenui, tra cui lilla, rosa, verde acqua, ma ovviamente, se vi piace l'idea, potete personalizzare a piacere con una diversa combinazione di colori.
Penso possa essere un regalo adatto a molte occasioni, come la nascita di un bebé... ma anche un regalo per se stesse, creando finalmente la targa della propria craft room ;)

Il secondo progetto, è nato nel tentativo di utilizzare i nomi fustellati in "negativo", così ho creato due simpatici segnalibri. Come vedete, con questo favoloso alfabeto, è piuttosto facile realizzare un segnalibro personalizzato. Io li ho poi abbelliti con cuori in feltro, ritagliati sempre con la Heartfelt, e altri piccoli dettagli fustellati con altre Thinlits.

Bene, tutta questa produttività mi ha reso piuttosto stanca, penso sia ora di un buon caffè! :D Come mi piacerebbe prenderlo insieme a voi!

Buon week-end! ♥
Targa con nomi per camera - Materiali:
stoffa a pois
ritagli di feltro e stoffa
gomma crepla glitter
macchina da cucire e filo
colla e scotch biadesivo
Segnalibri - Materiali:
cartoncini vari
carte per scrapbooking
ritagli di feltro
spago colorato
perline di legno

Thursday 26 February 2015

Rainbow Baby quilt

Have I mentioned that my nephews and niece are all expecting babies at about the same time!!
Well the babies have all be born - in the space of 11 days - so now I have to get sewing pretty quickly.
I had thought that I would design completely different quilts for each one - but reality and time pressure has won the day - I am going to make them all from the same fabrics but make each slightly different - my fabrics are these -
I bought these lovely spotted fabrics a little while ago and hadn't decided what to do with them - so I've started by cutting a lot of rectangles using the new Big Shot Plus and Bigz die 659837 - 2" x 4" finished.
To begin I cut 6 rectangles from each of the 17 fabrics.  I think it will be lovely to include all of the colours for the boys and the girl - no sex discrimination here!
to cut white strips to form sashing.
Now at the moment I don't know how many of anything I'm going to use for each quilt - I know that's not helpful but this is as far as I've got with the first quilt -

All I can say is that you'll have to look at my blog again next week for more details - I plan to have this quilt made (maybe not quilted though), I'm after all the babies don't know I running late with their presents!!!
Also next week I'll have a gift to make for Mother's Day.
So now I'm off to have a cup of tea and some lunch before continuing the quilt.
Last reminder that I'll be running workshops in Glasgow, Sewing Knitting and Quilting Show at the SECC. I hope to see some of you there.


Hello everybody, my name is Giovanna 
and I am very very happy to start this collaboration with Sizzix

I live in Italy with my family, in a small town in the province of Salerno, Casaletto Spartano. 

I am a blogger for some years, I write for the blog HandMade byGio and I love everything handmade, especially crochet sewing jewerly and more.

In my work I always prefer soft colors, pastel colors, natural tones such as white and all shades of taupe.

I love the shabby chic and the recovery of ancient objects. I like to create objects such as frames or small pieces of furniture. My creativity has no limits and so I find myself doing several things at once.

I like to learn new techniques! Maybe one day I will choose one to follow forever!!

Thanks to my blog I made wonderful experience, I met many bloggers, I have often collaborated with them and many have become my friends. In the time I tried to improve myself, I studied photography to portray the most of my creations, and I always have a great care to the packaging. 

The affection of followers gratifies me every day and motivates me to continue on this way with the same enthusiasm.  

And now work for Sizzix is a great achievement for me but also a great responsibility! 

Every Thursday we will meet here for a new project with the wonderful Sizzix products.
See you soon!


-Per le lettrici italiane-

Ciao a tutti, sono Giovanna e sono molto felice di iniziare questa collaborazione con la Sizzix.
Vivo in Italia con la mia famiglia, in un piccolo paese della provincia di Salerno,
Casaletto Spartano.

Sono una blogger da alcuni anni, curo il blog HandMade byGio e amo tutto quello che è Fatto a Mano, crochet cucito gioielli e altro ancora.

Nel mio lavoro prediligo i colori tenui, colori pastello e le tonalità naturali come il bianco e le sfumature di beige.

Adoro lo stile Shabby Chic e il recupero di oggetti di un tempo. La mia creatività non ha limiti e spesso mi ritrovo a fare più cose contemporaneamente!! Questo non mi disturba anzi, non fa che arricchire il mio mondo!

Grazie al mio blog e alla mia avventura sul web ho vissuto meravigliose esperienze, conosciuto tante bloggers, con alcune ho spesso collaborato, tante sono diventate ormai amiche, ci scambiamo pareri quotidianamente! Uno scenario impensabile fino a non molti anni fa.

Con il tempo ho cercato di migliorare il mio modo di propormi al pubblico. Ho seguito dei corsi tra cui uno di fotografia, con l'intento di ritrarre al meglio le mie creazioni.

L'affetto di chi mi segue mi gratifica ogni giorno e mi sprona a continuare su questa strada con lo stesso entusiasmo.

Ed ora, questo lavoro per la Sizzix rappresenta per me un grande traguardo ma anche una grande responsabilità.

Ogni giovedì ci ritroveremo  qui, vi proporrò un nuovo progetto con le meravigliose fustelle della Sizzix.

Vi aspetto numerosi!!!

Two lovely cards by Karine


Today let’s go back to card making with my favourite seasonal colour combo!

Supply list:

Papers: Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock: American Crafts
Tracing paper: Studio Calico
Transparency: Crate Paper
Enamel Dots: Simple Stories
Gold Masking Tape
Stamp: Bloomini Studio
Ink: Black Versafine

658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

These are two cards very easy to realise with paper scraps. They will come as a gift within my kits.

The two cards are matted on dark kraft cardstock so that they stand out well.

I used my Big Shot to cut out a pretty snowflake out of black cardstock. It is simply stapled, not glued) which means it can pivot on the card!

So as to add brightness and a gold touch, I had fun with my masking tape. Three little strips of glitter gold masking tape are fixed on a paper scrap. With my “Love” die, I cut out two pretty hearts out of a pattern paper scrap.

These are glued with 3D adhesive foam pieces.

Simply add a “Thank you” stamp pattern on your cards.

Have a lovely day,



Aujourd'hui retour de la carterie avec deux nouvelles cartes avec mon combo de saison préféré !

Matériel :
Papiers : Heidi Swapp, Gossamer Blue
Cardstock : American Crafts
Calque : Studio Calico
Transparent : Crate Paper
Enabel Dots : Simple Stories
Masking Tape doré
Tampon : Bloomini Studio
Encre : Versafine noire

Dies utilisés:
658300: Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
659994: Sizzix Bigz Die-Snowflakes #3
659957: Sizzix Original Die-Phrase, Love #3

Retour de deux petites cartes très simples à réaliser toujours avec des chutes de papiers pour accompagner mes kits :)

Les deux cartes sont mattées sur du cardstock kraft foncé pour bien les faire ressortir.

J'ai utilisé ma Big Shot pour découper un beau flocon dans du cardstock noir, celui-ci est simplement agrafé et non collé ce qui fait qu'il peut pivoter sur la carte !

Pour ajouter un peu de brillance et de dorure je me suis amusée avec mon Masking Tape. Trois petites bandes de Masking Tape pailleté or sont collées sur une chute de papier. A l'aide de mon die “ Love” j'ai ensuite découpé ma chute de papier afin d'obtenir deux jolies coeurs.

Ces derniers sont montés en 3D à l'aide de mousse.

Complétez simplement vos cartes avec un tampon en guise de remerciement.

Bonne journée


Wednesday 25 February 2015

Going Green.

I know that if most of you look out of your rain-swept window this morning you will say that I am crazy but Spring is on it's way!

How do I know? well, the crocus and snowdrops are bringing a little cheer to our woodland walks and on the roadside verges of every Welsh village the green shoots of daffodils are standing to attention ready to burst into bloom at any moment.

I know we could still suffer one of those crazy snowstorms but you have to be positive at this time of year. I want to share with you all a new butterfly die and I know it's a little early for vibrant colours so I've gone with some of my favourite shades of green.

I have chosen to use the new Sizzix Bigz Butterfly Duo die from Tim Holtz which is magnificent by itself, but when paired with it's very own Texture Fades embossing folder well, I'll let you be the judge!

I die-cut the two butterflies below from watercolour paper to show you the beautiful shapes but I'm only going to use the top one. I then applied Shabby Shutters Distress ink to the centre of the butterfly and Peacock feathers to the wings. I spritzed the inked shape with clean water, this helps the colours blend and also adds a lovely mottled effect. Next, I embossed my die-cut butterfly using it's corresponding folder before gently applying Forest Moss Distress Ink over the embossed detail. 

I love these three colours together, absolutely stunning!

For the rubber stamping you can use your Distress Ink pads if you prefer but I chose to use the Distress Markers of the same colours but I added the colour Squeezed Lemonade to freshen things up a little. I went for  a Stampers Anonymous set (Nature's Moments CMS 001) which has always been a big favourite of mine. I started by stamping the text into the centre of the rectangle of white card (85 x 130 mm) using the Shabby Shutters ink pad to form a really subtle background pattern. Next, I coloured my plant stamp (Hogweed anyone?) using the Distress Markers before gently spritzing with clean water. The water just wants to sit on the surface and not run down the stamp. It's good to practice this technique a couple of times before committing to your project. When you are happy, apply to the stamp to the card.

The rest is easy, distress the edge of the paper with the blade of your scissors and attach the stamped rectangle to an A6 base card made from wood effect paper. Gently curl the wings of the butterfly to add a little dimension and mount onto the finished card. 

It's a really simple colour palette and the Shabby Shutters green seems to radiate from the centre of the butterfly. I love the mottled effect left by the stamped image too.

See you all next week!


Hello everyone!!
My name is Manuela and I'm very glad to start a work experience with and for Sizzix Blog team.
I live in Rome (Italy) and the paper has always occupied a special place in my life.

With my friend Sara have been running 'Pasticci di carta' (Paper Mess), for a few years so far.

Pasticci di carta is the world of two bumblings, mothers and life friend, where the paper comes to life, and it becomes a game, a gift, an atmosphere, a fairy tale to tell, an idea to share.

I always loved handmade and to create something great starting with something little and simple.

I like to observe the paper under new points of view, like part of design, like creative recycling, like a simple and think gift.

Since the blog was born, about one year, we have new relationship and we feel to share a style and a way to see the world through creativity, outside the geographical borders.

Sizzix has been with us in this growth.

Below we have added images from a previous project made with Sizzix dies which we really enjoyed creating. 

We have
 already many ideas and projects to share with you using new dies and we hope you enjoy each Tuesday!!

have a nice day


- double adhesive tape
- glue
- scissors
- cardstocks 
- kraft wrapping paper
sizzix bigz xl die country cottage 3d - House & Home (658743) by Brenda Walton 
Sizzix Framelits Die Set 5PK - Hearts, Scallop

Ciao a tutti!

Mi chiamo Manuela e sono felicissima di iniziare questa nuova avventura nel blog team di Sizzix.
Vivo a Roma e nella mia vita la carta ha sempre occupato un posto speciale.

Insieme alla mia amica Sara da qualche anno abbiamo dato vita a Pasticci di carta ('paper mess'), il mondo di due pasticcione, mamme e amiche di vita dove la carta prende vita e diventa un gioco, un regalo, un' atmosfera, una fiaba da raccontare, un' idea da condividere.

Sin da piccola ho amato le cose fatte a mano e la passione con cui si crea qualcosa di unico con poco.

Mi piace osservare la carta da altri punti di vista, come oggetto di design, come riciclo creativo, come un regalo semplice e pensato.

Da quando è nato il blog, circa un anno fa, abbiamo stretto nuovi legami, abbiamo sentito di poter condividere un modo di vedere il mondo attraverso la creatività, superando i confini geografici.

Sizzix ci ha accompagnato in questa crescita, e le nostre 'casette pasticciate' nascono da qui.

Abbiamo già un sacco di idee e di progetti per voi e speriamo vi piacciano..!!

Al prossimo martedì!

- bi-adesivo
- colla
- forbici
- carta pacco
- cartoncini vari
-  sizzix bigz xl die country cottage 3d - House & Home (658743) by Brenda Walton
Sizzix Framelits Die Set 5PK - Hearts, Scallop (657562)

Gold Selfie

Hi Everybody

I love gold! (I like it very much combined with white!)

I love doing tags! And I really love a selfie I did in the Railway Museum a few months ago in Madrid!

And why not put it all together? A gold and white tag with that photo I don’t want to have lost in my mobile phone.

In this step by step you can see how I do it:

The truth is that I love how it looks, has a very distinguished and elegant look, goes wonderful with the photo.

here you can see some beautiful details:
I'm sure that If you choose your favorite selfie and use it in a tag, you’re gonna enjoy it a lot!

As you saw in the step by step, Sizzix products I'm using in this project are:

657900 Sizzix Big Shot machine
656938 Sizzix Movers & Shapers L Die - Tag & Bookplates
660220 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Mixed Media
660815 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Woodland Leaves

Be happy!


Hola a todo el mundo.

Me encanta el dorado!  (Como mas me gusta es combinado con blanco!)

Me encanta hacer tags! Y me gusta mucho un selfie que me hice en el museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid hace unos meses!

¿Y porque no ponerlo todo junto? Un tag en dorado y blanco con esa foto que no quiero que se quede perdida en mi móvil.

En el  paso a paso puedes ver como lo hago:

La verdad es que me encanta como ha quedado, tiene un aire muy distinguido y elegante, envuelve muy bien esta foto que tanto me gusta.

Estoy seguro que si escogéis vuestro selfie preferido y lo usáis en un tag, lo vais a disfrutar un montón. Anímate!

como podéis ver en el paso a paso, los productos Sizzix que uso en este proyecto son:

657900 Sizzix Big Shot machine
656938 Sizzix Movers & Shapers L Die - Tag & Bookplates
660220 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Mixed Media
660815 Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 3PK - Woodland Leaves

Sed muy felices!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Shabby Chic with Romy

Welcome on the Sizzix blog on this Tuesday!
Today I would like to show you a shabby chic or vintage-themed tag that I made with some of my favourite Sizzix Alternations dies and a beautiful sentiment die from Sizzix.

The Tag & Bookplates die from Tim Holtz is certainly my absolute favourite die from Sizzix thus far. I have probably used it over 150 times already, but still cannot get enough of it. The basis of this tag was also made with this beautiful die.

I used the harlequin die from the Tim Holtz Mixed Media set to create the brown background on top of the pink tag.

I further embellished my cards with some hearts that were made with the Heartfelt die. I used two large hearts and a couple of tiny hearts and added pink pearls to make them look more elegant. Last but not least, I added the sentiment "Sunshine" on the bottom of my tag. This sentiment was made with the beautiful 'Happiness Phrase Set'.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
Have a wonderful day!
In Dutch:
Welkom op het Sizzix blog op deze dinsdag!
Vandaag wil ik jullie graag een tag in shabby chic of vintage stijl laten zien, die ik heb gemaakt met een aantal van mijn favoriete Sizzix Alternations stansen en een mooie tekststans van Sizzix.
De Tag & Bookplates die van Tim Holtz is absoluut mijn favoriete stans van Sizzix tot nu toe. Ik denk dat ik hem al minstens 150 heb gebruikt, maar toch kan ik er nog geen genoeg van krijgen. De basis voor deze tag was dus ook gemaakt met deze mooie stans.
Ik heb de ruitjesstans van de Tim Holtz Mixed Media set gebruikt om de bruine achtergrond te maken bovenop het roze achtergrondlaagje.
Ik heb mijn tag verder versierd met hartjes die zijn uitgestanst met de Heartfelt die. Ik heb twee grote harten gebruikt en een aantal kleinere hartjes. Daar heb ik roze pareltjes aan toegevoegd om ze eleganter te maken. Uiteindelijk heb ik ook nog het word "Sunshine" verwerkt onderaan op mijn tag. Dit woord is uitgestanst met de mooie "Happiness Phrase Set".
Hartstikke bedankt voor je bezoekje vandaag!
Nog een fijne dag!

How old are you?

Hello everybody,

For our Tuesday gathering, I suggest scrapping a page in the traditional format.
The originality is in the layout of this project: the idea is to create a crown to emphasise your picture.

For that purpose, you need to draw with pencil a circle of the size of your choice, big enough to not be confused with your picture: you can use a compass or a template (e.g. a plate can be used).

Choose your dies to be cut:

Then, following the line of your circle, you can decorate the crown with cutting shapes.
Free your creativity by choosing shapes specific to your picture theme: flowers, leaves, hearts, triangles

Play with colours and sizes of your shapes to boost and put into relief your page.
Don't forget to add a small title, then you're done!

Some details:

I hope this page will have inspired you!

Supply list:

658300:  Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
667119:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Scribbles & Splat NEW!
660210:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 102PK - Alphanumeric NEW!
660801:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Speech Bubbles NEW! 
656545:  Sizzix Big Die - Flowers, 3-D
658541:  Sizzix Big Die - Brows
657119:  Sizzix Big Die - Leaves

Paper: American Crafts, Heidi Swapp, Crate Paper
Strass: Artemio
Alpha & Stickers: Fancy Pants Design
Feather & Flag: Bella BLVD

Have a good day, 



Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Pour notre rendez-vous du mardi, je vous propose une page de scrap au format traditionnel.

L'originalité est dans la mise en page de ce projet: l'idée est de créer une couronne pour mettre en valeur votre photo.

Pour cela, il suffit de tracer au crayon un cercle de la taille de votre choix, suffisamment grand pour ne pas être confondu avec votre photo: vous pouvez utiliser un compas ou un gabarit (une assiette pas exemple peut convenir). 

Ensuite, en suivant le trait du cercle, vous pouvez "décorer" cette couronne avec des découpes de formes. Laissez libre cour à votre créativité en utilisant des formes spécifiques au thème de votre photo: fleurs, feuillages, cœurs, triangles...etc….

Jouez avec les couleurs et les tailles de découpes pour donner du dynamisme et du relief à votre page.

N'oubliez pas d'ajouter un petit titre et le tour est joué

J'espère que cette page vous aura inspiré!
Bonne journée

matériels utilisés:
658300:  Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit
667119:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Scribbles & Splat NEW!
660210:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 102PK - Alphanumeric NEW!
660801:  Sizzix Thinlits Die Set 4PK - Speech Bubbles NEW! 
656545:  Sizzix Big Die - Flowers, 3-D
658541:  Sizzix Big Die - Brows
657119:  Sizzix Big Die - Leaves
Papiers: American Crafts, Heidi Swapp, Crate Paper
Strass: Artemio
Alphabet & Stickers: Fancy Pants Design
Plume & Drapeau: Bella BLVD

Bonne journée,